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AIGC | Secrets of Space Waiting to Be Discovered

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-12-17 15:41:51 | Author: CHEN Chunyou

Recently, China has released a medium- and long-term plan for space science missions and space research from 2024 to 2050. The aim is to ensure landmark achievements with international influence.

The U.S.-based Space Eye News, a go-to place for space exploration and astronomy updates, said,"It's nothing short of revolutionary!", and called the plan a "cosmic blueprint that's set to reshape our understanding of the universe, and possibly position China as the next space superpower."

The plan prioritizes 17 areas, including dark matter and extreme universe, origin and evolution of the universe, and detection of cosmic baryonic matter. Click the video to learn more.

Editor:CHEN Chunyou





